Friday, March 26, 2010

Testing Epocrates on Android - day #2

The other day, I received a test Motorola Droid smartphone that included the latest beta version of Epocrates. I immediately started playing around with it and was impressed by the navigation simplicity. It's very easy to use, it's intuitive, and it leverages the capacitive touch screen nicely. Compared to older versions of Epocrates that ran on the Palm OS or on Windows Mobile, I really like the updated versions of Epocrates that you'll now find on the Apple iPhone or iPod touch and the Android OS. You'll also see a very similar interface on webOS, so if you have a Palm Pre or Pixi, then you're in for a treat.

Epocrates on Android is touch-friendly. Even if you have big fingers, you won't have any problems navigating the app, entering information into the search box, or scrolling around. I really like the small "e" on the lower right corner of the screen that quickly gets you to the home page. That's a feature that I'd like to see on the iPhone version of Epocrates.

My Droid currently has the following "Tools" in the beta version of Epocrates:
  • Drug Reference
  • Tables
  • InteractionCheck
  • Pill ID
  • MedMath
If you want to place one of these Tools into your "Favorites," simply tap on the tool to open it. Then, click on the menu button and select "Add to Favorites." Now, you'll see that tool listed under "Favorites" on the main screen. The interface is simple and very easy for anyone to use. Way to go Epocrates!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. If only it was compatible with Android 1.5.
