Friday, November 04, 2011

How the Zeo Motivated Me to Get a Sleep Study

First, let me explain that I've recently been exploring the Quantified Self (QS) movement. If you're not familiar with QS, make sure to read this first.

I've been using different mobile devices like the FitBit, the BodyMedia FIT Arm Band, and the Zeo Sleep Manager.

The first time I used the Zeo, I saw that my sleep was very interrupted. I've also slept with the FitBit and it also confirms that I move a lot during my sleep. There were times when the Zeo would fall off my head because of my movement. My wife has always told me that I should get a sleep study (she's a physician), but I've put it off for years because I didn't want to face the possibility that I could have a sleep disorder. After all, I'm not overweight (my BMI is 22 and the normal BMI range is 18.5–24.9), I'm fairly active, and I am relatively healthy overall. So, why would I have a sleep disorder?

After seeing the data from the Zeo (which tells you when you're awake, in REM, light, and deep sleep), I convinced myself that it was time to get a sleep study. So, I got a prescription and went through an inpatient sleep study. I had electrodes on my face, scalp, chest, and legs. The study revealed that I had a sleep disorder. So, the next step is to see what types of treatments can help me.

Although the Zeo is not a medical device, it has provided insightful data to me and it's motivated me to do something that I've been putting off for many years.

Over the next few months, I'll try using the Zeo after I have initiated treatment for my sleep disorder. Let's see how my sleep quality improves and let's also see what the Zeo has to say about my new sleep!

As a reminder: the Zeo is NOT a medical device. If you suspect that you may have a sleep disorder, consult your health care provider. Do NOT use the Zeo to self-diagnose a sleep disorder.

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