In case you missed this last week: "Rite Aid Named First National Retail Partner of Text4baby"
Rite Aid Providing 10,000 Free Flu Shots to Enrolled Moms
Camp Hill, Pa. (Sept. 26, 2013) – Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE: RAD) has been named the first national retail partner of text4baby, the nation’s only free text messaging service for pregnant women and mothers of infants under age one. Rite Aid is bringing its broad consumer reach and reputation as a trusted community health care provider to support text4baby in connecting more women to important health and safety information. In celebration of the new partnership and its ongoing commitment to maternal and child health, Rite Aid is providing 10,000 free flu shots to text4baby mothers this flu season*.
John Learish, Rite Aid senior vice president of marketing explains, “Our partnership with text4baby and founding sponsor Johnson & Johnson directly aligns with our commitment to improving the health and well-being of women, our core customer, and their children. We’re pleased to be able to use our broad customer base and our associates to help connect women to text4baby and the valuable information it provides to mothers.”
Rite Aid will use circular ads, in-store displays and social media to educate pregnant women and new mothers about text4baby. And in Rite Aid wellness stores, Wellness Ambassadors will also be able to provide information on the program and help mothers enroll.
Women who text “RABABY” or “RABEBE” to 511411 will receive three free text messages per week throughout their pregnancy and baby’s first year, in English or Spanish, respectively. The interactive messages are personalized to the mother’s due date or baby’s birth date. Topics include safety, nutrition, birth defects prevention, safe sleep, developmental milestones and more. Independent research has demonstrated that text4baby increases users’ health knowledge, facilitates increased communication with health providers and increases their preparedness to be a mother by reminding pregnant and new moms of their appointments.
Beginning Oct. 15, text4baby will notify those enrolled in the program about the availability of free flu shots from Rite Aid. Mothers who wish to receive a flu shot will text a reply and receive a unique code to use at any Rite Aid to redeem their free flu shot.
Flu shots are especially important for pregnant women and can protect pregnant women, their unborn babies, and even the baby after birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu is more likely to cause severe illness in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant. Changes in the immune system, heart and lungs during pregnancy make pregnant women more prone to severe illness from flu, which can lead to hospitalization or even in extreme cases death. A pregnant woman with the flu also has a greater chance of serious problems for her unborn baby, including miscarriage or preterm birth.
“We are excited that Rite Aid is joining us not only to expand the reach of text4baby, but also most importantly, to help mothers, mothers-to-be and their babies stay healthy during their pregnancy and beyond,” said Sarah Colamarino, Johnson & Johnson vice president of strategic partnerships. “Our long-standing relationship and shared interest in helping women and children live healthier lives makes Rite Aid a perfect partner.”
Rite Aid Corporation is one of the nation's leading drugstore chains with more than 4,600 stores in 31 states and the District of Columbia and fiscal 2013 annual revenues of $25.4 billion. Information about Rite Aid, including corporate background and press releases, is available through the company's website at www.riteaid.com.
Text4baby is the nation’s largest mobile health information service, reaching over 600,000 moms since launch in 2010. It is a service of the nonprofit National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, provided in partnership with Voxiva. Support from Founding Sponsor Johnson & Johnson allows text4baby to implement the program and provide free materials and resources for over 1,000 partners nationwide. The service is free for participants thanks to The Wireless Foundation and participating mobile carriers. To learn more, please visit www.text4baby.org.
*The text4baby and Rite Aid Free Flu Shot Program is available in 31 states and Washington D.C. for the first 10,000 mothers to redeem a coupon code. To obtain a coupon code you must have received a text message, through text4baby, inviting you to take part in the program and replied “yes” to have that code sent to your phone. The code is non transferrable and may be used once. Other terms and conditions may apply. Check with your local Rite Aid. Vaccines available while supplies last and subject to state regulations. In its sole discretion, Rite Aid reserves the right to make changes to this program as necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
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